Class and Description |
Convenience passthrough for
CustomPersistenceHandlerAdapter that provides a method for class detection
based on the provided constructor. |
Custom Persistence Handlers provide a hook to override the normal persistence
behavior of the admin application.
Convenience class for those
CustomPersistenceHandler implementations
that do not wish to implement all the methods of the interface. |
Class and Description |
Custom Persistence Handlers provide a hook to override the normal persistence
behavior of the admin application.
Convenience class for those
CustomPersistenceHandler implementations
that do not wish to implement all the methods of the interface. |
DynamicEntityRetriever |
Class and Description |
Custom Persistence Handlers provide a hook to override the normal persistence
behavior of the admin application.
Convenience class for those
CustomPersistenceHandler implementations
that do not wish to implement all the methods of the interface. |
Class and Description |
Custom Persistence Handlers provide a hook to override the normal persistence
behavior of the admin application.
Convenience class for those
CustomPersistenceHandler implementations
that do not wish to implement all the methods of the interface. |
CustomPersistenceHandlerFilter |
Class and Description |
Custom Persistence Handlers provide a hook to override the normal persistence
behavior of the admin application.
CustomPersistenceHandlerFilter |
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