public interface SandBoxHelper
in core is generally
innocuous, with more interesting sandbox related functionality being provided
in the commercial enterprise module.DefaultSandBoxHelper
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
static class |
SandBoxHelper.OriginalIdResponse |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Long |
getCascadedProductionStateId(Class<?> linkedObjectType,
Long requestedParent)
Find the production sandbox clone, if any, in the current site for the supplied type and primary key value.
SandBoxHelper.OriginalIdResponse |
getOriginalId(Class<?> type,
Long id)
Return the original id for the requested id.
Long |
getOriginalId(Object test) |
SandBoxHelper.OriginalIdResponse |
getProductionOriginalId(Class<?> type,
Long id)
Return the original id for the requested id as if this was a production request.
Long |
getProductionRecordIdIfApplicable(javax.persistence.EntityManager em,
Object startFieldValue) |<Long,Long> |
getSandBoxToOriginalMap(Class<?> type,
Long... ids)
Retrieve a map keyed by sandbox id, with the value being the matching original
item id for that sandbox item.
Long |
getSandBoxVersionId(Class<?> linkedObjectType,
Long requestedParent)
Return the sandbox version id for the requested original id.
<T> T |
getTopMostOriginalRecord(T record)
If record is sandboxable, check to see if an original version of the passed in record exists.
Long |
getTopmostProductionOriginalId(Class<?> type,
Long id)
Returns the topmost production id for the given type.
void |
ignoreCloneCache(boolean ignoreCache)
Set when you want to override caching behavior related to finding sandbox versions.
boolean |
Is the current thread involved in a promote operation?
boolean |
Is the current thread involved in a reject operation?
boolean |
isRelatedToParentCatalogIds(Object entity,
Long... candidateRelatedIds)
Determine if the current entity is related via propagation inheritance to any of the candidate primary key
boolean |
Is the current thread involved in a replay operation (i.e.
boolean |
isSandBoxable(String className)
Whether or not the class is sandboxable
List<Long> |
mergeCloneIds(Class<?> type,
Long... originalIds)
Retrieve a list of values that includes the the original ids passed in and any
sandbox versions of those ids, if available.
void |
optionallyIncludeDeletedItemsInQueriesAndCollections(Runnable runnable,
boolean includeDeleted)
For the passed in code block (Runnable), whether or not sandbox entities marked
as deleted should be included in any results from queries or lazy collection
Long |
retrieveCascadedState(Class<?> ceilingImpl,
Long requestedParent,
javax.persistence.EntityManager em)
Find the production version of an entity in the current catalog.
List<Long> mergeCloneIds(Class<?> type, Long... originalIds)
- the type of the entity in questionoriginalIds
- one or more ids values for which sandbox versions should be includedvoid ignoreCloneCache(boolean ignoreCache)
-<Long,Long> getSandBoxToOriginalMap(Class<?> type, Long... ids)
- the type of the entity in questionids
- list of ids to checkLong getSandBoxVersionId(Class<?> linkedObjectType, Long requestedParent)
- the type of the entity in questionrequestedParent
- the id to checkLong getCascadedProductionStateId(Class<?> linkedObjectType, Long requestedParent)
- requestedParent
- Long retrieveCascadedState(Class<?> ceilingImpl, Long requestedParent, javax.persistence.EntityManager em)
getCascadedProductionStateId(Class, Long)
in that the other is only targeting the production state existing as an override in a standard site. However, in contrast,
this method will find the current production version in the current catalog related to a parent catalog version id, regardless
if the current catalog belongs to a standard site or a template site.ceilingImpl
- requestedParent
- em
- boolean isRelatedToParentCatalogIds(Object entity, Long... candidateRelatedIds)
- candidateRelatedIds
- SandBoxHelper.OriginalIdResponse getOriginalId(Class<?> type, Long id)
- the type of the entity in questionid
- the id to checkSandBoxHelper.OriginalIdResponse getProductionOriginalId(Class<?> type, Long id)
- id
- Long getTopmostProductionOriginalId(Class<?> type, Long id)
Returns the topmost production id for the given type. The given id can exist anywhere in the hierarchy of production clones. The most hiearchies that can exist is this:
Production versions of entities can thus exist in 3 places: catalog1, catalog2, and the STANDARD site overrides. This supports IDs at all levels in the hierarchy, and will always return the production id from catalog1:
If no results are found for the given type and id (or the id is already the topmost production id) then id is returned.
While the example given was for catalog hierarchies, this method also supports PROFILE hierarchies for CMS data
- the class name of the entity type to get the clone forid
- a primary key anywhere in the hiearchy of overridesboolean isSandBoxable(String className)
- the classname to checkboolean isPromote()
boolean isReject()
boolean isReplayOperation()
void optionallyIncludeDeletedItemsInQueriesAndCollections(Runnable runnable, boolean includeDeleted)
- the block of code for which this setting should be in effectincludeDeleted
- whether or not to include deleted sandbox itemsLong getProductionRecordIdIfApplicable(javax.persistence.EntityManager em, Object startFieldValue)
- startFieldValue
- <T> T getTopMostOriginalRecord(T record)
- the entity instance to checkCopyright © 2019. All rights reserved.