Interface | Description |
SupportLoggerAdapter |
Class | Description |
AbstractSupportLoggerAdapter | |
DisableSupportLoggerAdapter |
An implementation of SupportLoggerAdapter that would disable SupportLogger logging.
Log4j2ManagementBean |
This is not hooked up by default so that Log4j2 is not required.
Log4jManagementBean | Deprecated
in favor of
Log4j2ManagementBean (following Apache's EOL declaration for log4j 1.x) |
ModuleLifecycleLoggingBean |
A simple bean that when declared in app context will cause a lifecycle
logging message to appear in the logging output.
ProcessDetailLogger |
Extra logging facility whose design intent is to handle detailed production logging for complex interactions.
SLF4JSupportLoggerAdapter |
An SLF4J implementation of SupportLoggerAdapter that will delegate to the
configured SLF4J logging framework.
SupportLogger |
SupportLogger class that provides support for the new SUPPORT log level type.
SupportLogManager |
LogManager class that adds support for retrieving a specialized
Logger instance (SupportLogger).
SystemSupportLoggerAdapter |
Default Implementation of SupportLoggerAdapter that sends all support log messages to the console (
System.out ). |
Enum | Description |
LifeCycleEvent |
Enumeration describes the type of event that is being logged in the
SupportLogger.lifecycle method.
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