Interface | Description |
AutoDDLCreateStatusTestBean |
MBean registered in JMX to keep track of which persistence units are marked with auto.ddl 'create'.
Discriminatable |
Marker interface for a class that is included in one way or another in the multitenant architecture.
QueryConfiguration |
Interface for classes annotated with
NamedQueries and NamedNativeQueries . |
SiteDiscriminator |
Represents the columns that get weaved into entities that are marked as site-specific.
Class | Description |
AutoDDLCreateStatusTestBeanImpl | |
ConfigurationOnlyState | |
JPAPropertiesPersistenceUnitPostProcessor |
This class allows us to override Persistence Unit properties on a per-environment basis.
MergeJPAPersistenceResource | |
MergePersistenceUnitManager |
Merges jars, class names and mapping file names from several persistence.xml files.
ORMConfigDto |
Holder for mapping files (orm.xml) and entity classes to be contributed to the
MergePersistenceUnitManager without being specified directly
in a persistence.xml file. |
ORMConfigPersistenceUnitPostProcessor |
Responsible for compiling the set of
ORMConfigDto and adding the configuration items to a persistence unit. |
QueryConfigurationClassTransformer |
Detects any externally registered
NamedQueries or NamedNativeQueries and adds them to the first detected
entity implementation class for the target persistence unit. |
Enum | Description |
SiteDiscriminatableType |
Exception | Description |
EntityClassNotFoundException |
Annotation Type | Description |
SiteDiscriminatable |
Used to mark collections for multi-tenancy when the commercial multi-tenant module is loaded.
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