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Broadleaf Commerce Enterprise Module

Scheduled Jobs And Events

Scheduled Jobs and Events is a key module in the Broadleaf Enterprise architecture. It is responsible for ensuring that changes made in the Broadleaf admin are communicated to the various admin and site nodes in the system.

For example, Broadleaf uses events to notify nodes when an admin user changes product information so that incremental, near real time changes can be made to search indexes and cached data can be invalidated.

The module can also be used for a number of light to medium scheduling needs. As this module utilizes the database for management of events, it is not intended as a replacement for high-volume message transaction systems like JMS or MQ Series where 100s of events per second need to be processed.

This module introduces new terminology such as Jobs, Events, and Nodes. For a detailed description of what these terms mean in Broadleaf, see the Terminology. Also examine the Key Concepts section which provides insight into how the module works.


This module was designed to allow to ...

  • Provide a reliable way to fire an event that should be processed by one or more nodes in a Broadleaf cluster.
  • Run processes on a repeating schedule

Sample use cases include ..

  • Notify all nodes that a cache should be invalidated
  • Purge old carts every night at 2am


Module Version Compatible Broadleaf Versions
2.2.0-GA 5.2.0-GA
3.0.0-GA 6.0.0-GA

Module Dependencies

Initial Configuration

For detailed instructions on how to integrate the Jobs and Events module into your project, please see Module Installation.