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Process State Diagram

Process State Diagram

Note: The ProcessExecutor using the ProcessStateManager actions are the responsibility of the implemented ProcessExecutor.

Optional ProcessExecutor Implementation Items

  • The pause and stop related actions are only relevant if your ProcessExecutor declares that it is stoppable or resumable using the indicator interfaces (StoppableExecutor or ResumableExecutor).
  • Your ProcessExecutor is not required to handle the direct state change from Running to Stopped or Paused. It is considered a valid state change but may not be applicable to your implementation.
  • The handling of the direct state change from Running to Completed with a sub-status of Error is also not required. This is intended to be used when your process has an error threshold. Once that threshold is met, execution should be terminated and the error state would be recorded.
  • When successfully completing the execution of a process (Completed with sub-status Finished), the ProcessExecutor can record the completed state and provide some helpful contextual information in the completion message. If this is not done, the ProcessExecutionManager will record the completed state with a default message.