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Broadleaf PriceList 3.0.2-GA

Released on February 13, 2017

This is the 2nd patch release for the Broadleaf PriceList 3.0.x module. This release has the following dependencies:

  • Broadleaf Commerce version 5.0.7-GA or higher

An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:

Major Bugs(2)

  • No longer overflow to disk for blPriceDataCache to avoid ConcurrentModificationException. ConcurrentModificationException is a known issue with Ehcache.
  • Fixed pricing to use the price data info obtained from the parent price list when no modifiers are in play.

Minor Bugs(1)

  • Refactored admin presentation for orders by moving pricelist order attributes to order's advanced tab


  • Use new Enums RuleOperatorType and RuleOptionType in PriceList RuleBuilders (i.e. PricingContextFieldServiceImpl)

Total Resolved Issues: 4