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Broadleaf Presentation Layer 2.2.3-GA

Released on October 15, 2021

This is the 3rd patch release for the Broadleaf Common Presentation Layer 2.2.x module.

An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:

Minor Bug(1)

  • Fixed the issue where partial template file changes were not invalidating the cache.


  • Improvements for the BroadleafThymeleaf3MessageCreator class:
    • Modified the class and made it implement ApplicationContextAware interface.
    • Updated the method setApplicationContext to use org.springframework.lang.NonNull instead of javax.annotation.Nonnull.
    • Made templateEngine and applicationContext fields protected in order to make them more extensible.
  • Updated the URLs of repositories and distribution with https endpoints.

Total Resolved Issues: 3