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Broadleaf Presentation Layer 1.1.0-GA

Release Date: July 8, 2017

This is the major release for the Broadleaf Presentation Layer 1.1.x module.

An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:


  • Refactored spring config
    • This added support for thymeleaf2-presentation and thymeleaf3-presentation to play well with Spring boot Thymeleaf autoconfig
      • Additionally dialects that would be hooked up by default with Spring's autoconfig, such as the LayoutDialect or SpringSecurityDialect, will automatically be hooked up if those dependencies are included in the parent project
    • Added easier plug-n-play support for adding new template resolvers, processors, and dialects
      • To add a dialect simply component scan or create a bean and it'll be automatically added to the current template engine
      • In addition to BroadleafProcessors being automatically hooked up to BLC's dialect, now you can create a Thymeleaf 2 or Thymeleaf 3 processor and it'll be hooked up with BLC's dialect as well
      • In addition to BroadleafTemplateResolvers being automatically hooked up to the default template engine, now you can create a Thymeleaf 2 or Thymeleaf 3 template resolver and it'll be hooked up with the default template engine

Total Resolved Issues: 1