Broadleaf Multi-Tenant 3.2.14-GA
Release Date: June 24, 2020
This is the 14th patch release of the Broadleaf Multi-Tenant module version 3.2.0. This version of the Multi-Tenant module has the following dependencies:
- Broadleaf Framework version 5.2.17-GA or higher
- Enterprise 3.2.15-GA or higher
- Enterprise Search 2.2.10-GA or higher
- i18n Enterprise 2.2.1-GA or higher
- Pricelist 3.2.1-GA or higher
- Scheduled Jobs and Event 2.2.11-GA or higher
An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:
Minor Bugs(1)
- Fixes the NPE that occurs during catalog propagation
- Added support for translations to have site changes undone when a local override exists
Total Resolved Issues: 1