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Broadleaf Multi-Tenant 3.0.3-GA

Released on October 12, 2016

This is the 3rd patch release for the Broadleaf Multi-Tenant module. The 3.0.x version of the Multi-Tenant module requires Broadleaf Commerce Framework 5.x.

An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:

Minor Bugs(4)

  • Added null check when checking ignoreSite boolean on the request context
  • Fixed Error when undoing overwritten changes to page entity
  • Fixed an issue where a synced copy would copy everything from a the master catalog even if that catalog was not assigned
  • Refactor equals check when comparing site IDs


  • Added protection against log forgery or injection by sanitizing log outputs
  • Allow a collection on a reference catalog entity to be edited through configuration

Total Resolved Issues: 6