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Broadleaf Importer

This module provides the ability to bulk import data into Broadleaf. This currently supports the following bulk import use cases:

  • Catalog data (Products, Skus, Categories)
  • Assets (.zip file of media items)
  • Customers and Addresses
  • Orders

Import Specification

The new Importer module works off a concept called a Specification. See Import Specification

Supported files

CSV and Excel files are supported for the importing.


If your project uses the Parent Starter (BOM) configuration, only the following entry needs to be added to the "core" project pom.xml"


If the Parent Start (BOM) is not being used, then the following steps need to be done to include the Import module into your project:

  1. Add the following to your property section of your parent pom.xml

  2. Then in the dependency management section of your parent pom.xml, add:

  3. Finally, add the following to the dependency management section of your admin pom.xml:


Version Compatibility

Import Version Broadleaf Core Version
1.2.0-GA 5.2.16-GA+
2.0.0-GA 6.0.9-GA+
2.1.0-GA 6.1.1-GA+

Module Dependencies

Optional Dependencies

Schema changes

This module requires the Simple transition. Make sure to add the tables and enable the property.

UI changes

There are a few additional buttons that have been added to key pieces of the application. For instance, when you go to the
'Product' or 'Category' sections, there is a new button in the UI to 'Import Products (Importer)' or 'Import Categories (Importer)'.