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Broadleaf Enterprise 5.0.0-GA

Released on Jan 10, 2024

This is the initial release for the Broadleaf Enterprise 5.0.x module. This module requires Broadleaf Framework 7.0.0-GA or greater.

An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:

Minor Bugs(6)

  • Removed deprecated Thymeleaf tags and processors and replaced them with new/updated tags and processors.
  • Fixed the issue with preview functionality which required persisting the newly created security context between requests, because of spring security changes.
  • Fixed various queries because hibernate 6 does query validation in more strict manner.
  • Fixed the hibernate proxy in SandBoxHelperImpl.
  • Fixed various issues with Workflow Audit section in the Admin.
  • Added EnterpriseAdminSkuCustomPersistenceExtensionHandler to fix issues with propagation of changes between catalogs.


  • Updated module with Broadleaf Framework 7.0.x
  • Migrated from Java EE to Jakarta EE
  • Updated annotations like @Index and @GenericGenerator
  • Deleted weave logic for using default sku in inventory and integrated the feature in the codebase. Property enable.weave.use.default.sku.inventory is no longer used.
  • Refactored exception handling. Created a separate AdminWorkflowExceptionHandler class to handle exceptions in one place and WorkflowValidationException for validation failures. Moved all workflow exceptions to new 'exception' package
  • Refactored InventoryPropertiesPostEventHandler class.
  • Removed the usage of isfeaturedproduct due to its removal from ProductImpl.
  • Added a workaround in PostLoaderDaoImpl to avoid a possible stackoverflow because of a hibernate bug.
  • Added hibernate filters for each persistence unit instead of each entity class. This is a workaround for a hibernate bug.

Total Resolved Issues: 15