Broadleaf 3.0.3-GA Release
Released on October 28, 2013
This is the 3rd patch release in the Broaleaf 3.0 line. We recommend updating to this patch release immediately as there were numerous bug fixes and enhancements. This patch release is a drop-in release, and there are no migration steps necessary to benefit from the functionality included in this release.
An at-a-glance view of the issues that were closed in this release:
Critical Bugs(4)
- Sale price should never override a lower retail price
- blVariableExpressions List is not merged if a bean ref is in the list
- RecordOfferUsage doesn't track new order item adjustments in 3.0.x-GA
- Anonymous Customers can be persisted but are not resolved from the database
Major Bugs(10)
- Several programmatic transactions on rare occasions might not be rolled back immediately, causing the transaction to stay open until it times out (~60 seconds - depending on config) and then rolls back
- NullPointerException when setting template field values on a new Page
- Error at Parent Category mapping with a category- Unhandled error processing ajax request
- No bean named 'blCartService' is defined
- Unable to save a rule builder using a custom field
- Admin map persistence issues
- Beans in the admin web package are getting created twice
- BroadleafRequestContext variables are null in Thymeleaf when using Interceptors rather than filters
- Admin required validation does not work for booleans
- Thymeleaf version 2.0.17 will return a null pointer exception when there is no request context.
Minor Bugs(14)
- Changing defaultCategory through AdminPresentationMergeOverrides gives exception
- Remove jsp-api Dependency from Compile Phase
- Product isFeatured should not be required since it has a default value
- Updating an offer without a targetItemCriteria set results in additional instances of OfferItemCriteria
- Change to correct cache region.
- For AdminPresentationCollection annotated collections with an addType of PERSIST and an extended polymorphic type, the incorrect type is created upon save
- Add CartStateRefresher and OrderEntityListener to update the current cart whenever it is saved within a single request
- The middle breadcrumb should consider previously applied filters
- Redactor select font button is now broken
- Unable to override skuMedia; exception results
- Modal Entity View for @AdminPresentation fails to show error summary above tabs
- 3.0.0-GA Edit SKU shows all product options
- When uploading an asset, if a filename collision is detected, the new generated name is not correct
- Interface Category is annotated with @Nullable but gives NPE when something with NULL is passed.
- SkuImpl's hashcode should not invoke a getter
- Provide extension points in the authentication/mergecart flow
- SKUs should be marked as discountable by default
- HTTPS/SSL/Spring Security doesn't work in both a load balancer and non-load balancer environment
- Upgrade to Solr 4.4.0
- Make the MatchesFieldValidator overridable
- Upgrade FontAwesome to 3.2.1
- 3.0.3 Miscellaneous Internal Improvements
- Cannot modify the state of the CartStateRequestProcessor to reprice for locale/currency changes with an active cart
Total Resolved Issues: 38