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PriceLists Details


Table Related Entity Description
BLC_PRICE_LIST Defines a unique pricelist based on the PRICE_KEY
BLC_PRICE_DATA Holds the sale and retail price that will be dynamically priced
BLC_PRICE_ADJUSTMENT Contains sku price information that is dynamically priced
BLC_ADJ_PRICE_XREF [n/a] Cross references product option value to price adjustment
BLC_OFFER_PRICELIST_XREF [n/a] Cross references offer to prices list
BLC_SKU_BUNDLE_PRICE_DATA n/a Cross reference from sku bundle item to price data
BLC_SKU_PRICE_DATA Contains sku bundle item price information that is dynamically priced
Table Related Entity Description
BLC_SKU_BUNDLE_ITEM SkuBundleItem Contains address information, e.g. city, state, and postal code
BLC_SKU Sku A SKU is a specific item that can be sold including any specific attributes of the item such as color or size.
BLC_PRODUCT_OPTION_VALUE ProductOptionValue Represents a customer in Broadleaf
BLC_CUSTOMER Customer Represents a customer in Broadleaf
SEARCH_FACET_RANGE SearchFacetRange Holds search facet range information
BLC_ORDER Order Represents an order in Broadleaf