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Follow the steps below to add the Advanced Offer module to your project. You can checkout the DemoSite-AdvancedOffer project from github that has all theses modifications.

Changes in pom.xml files

In you project POM Declare the the BLC snapshot repository

            <id>public releases</id>
            <name>public releases</name>

In you Project pom.xml add the dependency for the Broadleaf AdvancedOffer module


In your SITE pom.xml where you will extend Customer, Offer, Order, ProductOptionValue, SearchFacetRange, SkuBundleItem and Sku


In your ADMIN pom.xml


Changes in web.xml

Add classpath:/bl-advancedOffer-applicationContext.xml and classpath:/bl-advancedOffer-admin-applicationContext.xmlin the <context-param /> section


Changes in applicationContext-filter.xml and applicationContext-filter-combined.xml

Changes in mycompanyAdmin.gwt.xml

Add the following line

<inherits name="com.broadleafcommerce.admin.advancedOfferModule" />

Domain Changes

Pleaese Note: Offer domain class will me modified at run time.

The domain classes will be transformed to embed the additional fields and methods
using jpa transformer. The appropriate delegate methods will also be included
in the transformed classes for embeddable object. Due to how hibernate handles
empty embeddables if no data is inserted into the database the embeddable object
will remain null. To address this issue we will need to implement a lazy
initialization of the embeddable objects. The configuration of the jpa transorm
is in bl-advancedOffer-applicationContext.xml

Database Inserts for offers

Now you can insert the pricing data. Checkout he DemoSite-AdvancedOffer project as an example.