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Initial Configuration

This module requires at least Broadleaf 4.0.0-GA

By following the steps below, you should be able to include the Gift Card and Customer Credit module.

Optionally, a DemoSite patch file is included in the docs directory of this module. The patch file adds Gift Card and Customer Credit functionality to the DemoSite. To apply the patch file, download demosite.diff and move it to your DemoSite directory. Type the following command to apply the patch file: git apply demosite.diff

Steps to enable this module

  1. Add the dependency management section to your parent pom.xml:

  2. Pull this dependency into your core/pom.xml:

  3. Reference the additional required SQL file in in the blPU.hibernate.hbm2ddl.import_files property:


    If you are not creating the DB using the import_files method, then you will need to run the SQL in the above file in your DB to setup the proper permissions.

  4. If you want to augment the heat clinic demo data with Gift Card data, reference the additional SQL file in in the blPU.hibernate.hbm2ddl.import_files property:


    Note: This SQL should run AFTER /sql/load_catalog_data.sql loads