MultiTenant Module
The multi-tenant module adds the ability to have multiple tenants run in one Broadleaf installation. The module has been
designed to support a variety of implementation scenarios.
Module Compatibility
Module Version | Compatible Broadleaf Versions |
1.1.0-GA | 3.1.0-GA |
Sample Uses of the MultiTenant Module
Run Multiple Separate Sites
The most traditional use of the MultiTenant module is to run multiple, distinct sites in one broadleaf platform. The sites
each have their own catalog, customers, administrators, content managers, etc.
Shared and Site Specific Data
The system supports business models that need to manage some data globally while allowing sites to also manage site specific
data. For example, if there were some products or offers managed at a central location but additional products that could
be added on at a site level.
Flexible User Permissions
The module allows you to define security contexts for which a user has permission. For example, a single user could have
global permission to all sites, a subset of sites, or a single site. You could have a user who was an admin on siteA
but only had view permissions on siteB, etc.
We've found that business needs related MultTenant can vary widely. The framework provides for flexible treatment
of the security, maintenance, searching, browsing, and integration of multi-tenant data. Like all Broadleaf modules,
the out of box services and domain can be easily customized.
Next Steps
To start working with the MultiTenant module you'll first need to install it. We recommend starting with the basic
Broadleaf demo site and then following the Module Installation instructions.
Afterwards, the Getting Started section will help you to create a basic site with its own admin user so that you
can see how to run multiple sites locally.
Finally, the Key Concepts section will go over common areas related to the MultiTenant module