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Cardinal Commerce Module

The Cardinal Commerce Module provides SAP support for PayPalCredit and PayPalExpress.


CardinalCommerce PayPal Diagram

How It Works

  1. The Client initiates the PayPalCredit or PayPalExpress process.
  2. The Broadleaf Server sends a Lookup Request to Cardinal Commerce.
  3. Cardinal Commerce replies to Broadleaf with a URL that is used to redirect the Client to a PayPalCredit or PayPalExpress form page, and an Order Id for the Paymetrics Transaction.
  4. Broadleaf replies with an auto-submitting form that sends them to the provided URL.
  5. The Client fills out the requisite information and hits submit. The form submits to Cardinal Commerce.
  6. Cardinal Commerce sends a 302 redirect back to a Broadleaf provided URL.
  7. Broadleaf receives the request from Cardinal Commerce through the Client that contains Payment Response data and Merchant specific data.
  8. The Broadleaf Server sends an Authenticate Request to authenticate the data received.
  9. Cardinal Commerce replies with the Success or Failure of the Authenticate Request.
  10. Broadleaf sends an Authorize Request to Paymetrics using the Order Id received earlier from Cardinal Commerce.
  11. Paymetrics contacts Cardinal Commerce to finish the Authorize transaction.
  12. Cardinal Commerce response to Paymetrics with the result of the confirmation.
  13. Paymetrics responds with the result of the confirmation.
  14. Upon successful confirmation, Broadleaf redirects the user to the confirmation page. Otherwise, it redirects the user to an error page.